SLO vendor data now available

This happened at some point last week, so I'm a little late to the party, but I'm excited to say that the PLCB added a new field to their public product catalog: the SLO vendor code. I can't fully express what a relief it is to no longer have to acquire and track this data on my own.

Since it's not yet possible to search by vendor code on the PLCB website, I'll continue to provide a product list indexed by vendor on my SLO product page. It's a little unwieldy now that it has 1,400+ products listed, but it'll have to do for the time being.

On an unrelated note, I spoke with D'Andrea Imports, and they assure me that Jannamico Super Punch will continue to be available by SLO, and that if it disappeared from the system it's only a temporary thing.

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